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Infusion Therapy
What is it and how can I benefit?
Infusion therapy provides rapid correction of dehydration and certain vitamin deficiencies. Hydration and nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, correcting deficiencies.

Hydration Therapy
Replenish & Reinvigorate
Includes 1000 mL preservative-free Normal Saline (Sodium Chloride)
Benefits: Replenish lost fluids and rehydrates (ie, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, sweat, etc.)
Recover & Energize
Includes our proprietary blend to help with nausea, reflux and pain
Benefits: Great for post-viral illness and hangovers. Soothes symptoms, strengthens immune system, allows for healing and repair.
Vitamin Blast© by Vitamin Armor
Nourish & Protect
Includes our proprietary blend of vitamins and electrolytes
Benefits: Ensures you get your daily dose of vitamins. No more, no less. This infusion aids in vitamin deficiencies and may improve immune system health while rehydrating your body.
Generally, vitamin supplementation is not necessary for most adults who eat a well balanced diet, drink vitamin-D fortified dairy products and get regular sun exposure. Excessive high doses of vitamins can be harmful and may lead to toxicity. Too much of a good thing is no good. Vitamin Armor Multivitamin ensures you get 100% of what you need. No more, no less. We are here to ensure you get the dose of vitamins tailored to your needs.
Migraine Relief Therapy
Soothe & Heal
Includes our proprietary blend to help with pain and nausea
Benefits: self explanatory